James Allen's Girls School Maintenance Painting Programme

James Allen's Girls School Maintenance Painting Programme

The oldest independent girls’ school in London has a five-year maintenance painting programme with Whittle. James Allen’s Girls’ School (JAGS) was founded in 1741 by James Allen, the Warden and later Master of the College of God’s Gift. Wishing to provide a sound education for local boys and girls, Mr Allen opened his Reading School in rooms in the local tavern to ‘teach the boys to read and the girls to read and sew’. Today much has changed and JAGS is one of the leading schools in the country, with an academically selective girls’ secondary school for some 770 girls, and a preparatory school educating 300 younger boys and girls.

In April 2006, Whittle was awarded a five-year maintenance programme to paint and maintain the external fabric of the whole of the main school. Due to the extent and the nature of the work involved - one of the largest external painting programmes secured by Whittle - the contract was carried out in two phases over the Easter and summer vacation periods. Maintenance is now scheduled annually to clean down dirt-affected areas, rectify any damaged paintwork and ensure all surfaces are left with a clean and sound paint film.

Since the successful completion of the repainting work at the main school, Whittle has secured further programmes for the internal maintenance of the sports hall and swimming pool, on a five and six-year basis respectively. Whittle has also secured a five year programme for both internal and external maintenance of the pre-preparatory school. Whittle looks forward to helping keep James Allen’s Girls’ School in top condition for years to come.